Monday, 15 May 2017

Rapid-Fire Tip 3 What does being safe mean to you as a senior?

Where do you see yourself when you are 95?

Did you know that 73% of the time that seniors make decisions, the kids are involved, and that is usually the gals. (Home Instead Senior care did some extensive studies on this and this is their results.)

There are some common fallacies from a senior's point of view.

1. If I get help around the house, I will get more frail. I need to keep going and keep moving in order to be able to keep mobile and healthy.

2. I cannot give up my driver's license because then I will be stuck at home.

3. They don't want to go out to visit because they might embarrass themselves.

4. I need to go out for a walk every day so I can stay strong.

Do any of these resonate with you? Are you a senior thinking any of these thoughts.

Their daughters are thinking:

1. What if my Mom falls and I am not there to help her?

2. Is Mom eating properly?

3. Mom isn't able to clean and tidy up around her house and I need to help with that.

4. I need to stop in to check on Mom more often to make sure she is ok.

What if you could check on Mom from afar? What if you could tell where she is every time she goes out for a walk?

Here is what you need: IPS Safety  (Use code 2S93 for a 5% discount.)

I can tell you many stories of seniors falling and being found days later stuck on the ground or the floor, unable to get up or to a phone. Many have died in these circumstances.

What if there was a solution to help your senior loved one stay safe at all times. What if you could check on them from your own cell phone? What if you could use your cell phone to see inside your Mom's house to check on her? What if you could use your cell phone to connect to a GPS device worn by your Mom when she goes walking?

Have you made plans for your own or your parent's protection in their senior years?

What are some of your concerns as you age? Do you want to age in place?

I look forward to your comments.

Christine Till
The Marketing Mentress

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